Few things have to be followed... religiously.


What does an Open Source Evangelist mean

I got a recent tweet - What does open source Evangelist mean?

What does an evangelist mean?

Wikipedia has a definition for Evangelist and Evangelism

It says,

Evangelism is the practice of attempting to convert people to a religion.

For me, Open Source Evangelist would be about:

  • Following a religion of Open Source.
  • And, trying to convert few people from "non freedom" software to "Freedom Software".

More References:

[#] Linkedin had a question: What does Software Evangelist mean?

[#] Guy Kawaski also blogged on technology evangelists.


Free software is not about free, as in money. Its about freedom.

This also reminds me of a joke:

Would you park if the sign board reads: "FINE FOR PARKING"


Aakar said...

yeah, liked this "Free software is not about free, as in money. Its about freedom."

And surely open source Evangelist means 'Following a religion of Open Source.'
nice to visit ur blog...

I am Meera said...

Thanks for sharing the thoughts Aakaar.

NKM said...

free as in free beer...

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